
a white person who thinks they are black.
by Erykha July 14, 2003
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Wannabe nigger
white person who think hes black
Eminem aint a wigger, he's just a white rapper
by FChic December 25, 2003
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Wigger is an insult for white people who try to be black but are far from 'urban'. A common made mistake is the wigger - whigger mistake:
wigger: wannabe nigger(an insult)
whigger:white nigger(someone who would be mistaked for a nigger if you couldn't see him, whigger is also an insult if someone from the kkk says it)
wigger - nigger:
Yo nigga wazz da dizzle fo' chizzle? You bitchass wigger don't talk to me.

wigger - kkk:
Yo nigga wazz da dizzle fo' chizzle? You niggerloving motherfucker after we burned you you'll burn in hell.

wigger - white dude:
Yo nigga wazz da dizzle fo' chizzle? Talk normal i don't understeand you.

conclusion: nobody likes wiggers
by 187Crip July 17, 2006
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a person (usually white but on occasion can be asian) who thinks they are a nigger or a person of african american descent. Usually raised in surberban america or general upper class. Usualy they refer to their neighborhoods as "ghetto". They usually refer to themselves as parts of famos gangs (bloods, crips, ms13), even though the bloods dont live out there. Also, wiggers can be heard calling themselves from different coasts and flash the exact same general gang sign, even though they live in total opposite sides of the country or city. But wiggstaz (wigger gangbangers) can sometimes be deadly. When their not shooting neighborhood cats with realistic looking pellet guns or mugging local elementary schoolers for their lunch money, they can be seen posing with their "guns" and extra large teeshirts with dead rappers on them. Overall, wiggers are harmless creatures who can be scared easily.
wiggers: yo my hommies i be hanging with my niggaz (another wigger) and my white bitches (aka a playboy he found behind a dumpster). 2pac, may he rest in peace, be watchn me yo doggie dawg!
by haha wiggers are worthless November 20, 2009
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"Oh, damn it. There's the wigger crew again." - Person who sees the wigger posse
"Damn wiggers!" - His friend
by SuperSonicX September 18, 2005
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White ppl dressing, talking and listening to afican american music. think their from East or Westside which they probly never even been to but only know from watching gangster movies.
we da wiggers crew fellas, go gonna bust som cap up som sorry ass whitey yo!
by laughfing at da wiggers August 15, 2006
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skinny white niggers; seen mostly in malls and parking lots. known to hang around with ugly fat white chicks. dresses like a fool.
by Dave C October 1, 2003
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