Refers to the overweight barrow house member. Who eats a lot..
by Anonymous October 27, 2003
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A slang term for fat bags of cocaine...used on the phone at all times when ordering from the dealer so if the DEA are listening, they wont know what you're talking about. Chances are that they know what it is by now.
Jared: Hey man, what's good with those fat white bitches?

Dealer: How many you want?
by FlickO September 7, 2009
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The act of bending over and kissing a fat white bastards ass. Kissing up to your snobby boss. A comeback to just about everything.
John: Hey how are you doing you pompous son of a bitch
Ken: Kiss my fat white ass

Sarah: Hey you skanky hoe whats with all the meat
Barbie: Kiss my fat white ass bitch
by DEATHONASTICK June 11, 2006
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1. Is an OxyContin pill with imprint RP 30. They are bigger than normal blue OxyContin 30mg pills and are also white, rather than the normal blue.

2. Term was derived from famous OxyContin drug dealers in the south side and south east region of Houston.

3. Legend has it that one of the dealers cats was named fat whites as a result he decided to call the 30mg white, RP OxyContin pills, fat whites or fat white.
I really don’t like the fat white. It honestly has a lot of powder when snorting it, but if all he gots is fat whites, I guess we can go get some.
by H-Town Ronnie June 1, 2024
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