
A very weird where you shout (though it can be omitted) ULTIMATUM!!! and explain 2-4 scenarios, all have to be humiliating and/or violent.
Jake: Yo, man, i got this cool game! it's called Ultimatum! IT'S AWESOME!

Dan: Hey dude, Explain the rules!

Jake: no. Let's play! Didds, you start!

Diddy: K, Jake, will you: 1: take a long piss with the door open, 2: take the oath of ignorance, 3: go nuts for the week, and 4: smash sum priceless thing"

Jake: Woah, that's a tough one, choice... 1

Diddy: then you have to take the next piss with the door open

Jake: WHAT!?! People will see my ding dong!

Brenda: You Picked your fate! and you will have to do it once.

Diddy: And i forgot, it has to happen at a party, when LOTS of people are around
by your best idiot April 5, 2010
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threesome ultimatum

A passive/aggressive means whereby a man can extricate himself from an intimate relationship with a woman without being the "bad guy". Essentially, the man insists that he and his girlfriend (GF) engage in a menage a trois with the GF's cute friend. Invariably, the GF will become outraged and tell the man to take a hike. Occasionally, however, the GF will assent, and the man will get to enjoy a hot threesome; in which case, he'd be a total moron to dump his GF.

No matter what happens, this method has a positive outcome.
I wanted to dump Gina in the worst way, but she was such a good cook and so nice that the only way I could bear to do it was by springing the threesome ultimatum.
by succulentboi August 17, 2004
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drunk ultimatum

A demand made in a state of inebriation or non-sobriety whose compliance must be fulfilled within a set period of time or else a conditional threat will be enacted until the demand is met.
We were going to leave Royal Exchange until a shit faced Googs made a drunk ultimatum.
"I'mm nnnot l-leaving untillll I mmake out with that girl or that girl!"- Googs
by Green Balls November 19, 2010
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Ultimatum marriage

A marriage where a woman or a man demand their significant other marry them or they are leaving. marriage, ultimatum, civil union, gay marriage, starter marriage
This is gonna be an ultimatum marriage. We've been dating 3 years and she is sick of the uncertainty.
by joecoolthefool June 14, 2016
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ultimatum dater

A person who is interested in going out on a date with you at a specific time and place but expects you to cancel whatever plans or commitments you had that on that day in order to it. If the person is unwilling to cancel their other plans/commitments, the dater then loses interest in the person and moves on to another guy/girl. Commonly found on online dating websites.
Girl: Wanna go out sometime?
Guy: Sure, When are you free ?
Girl: I'm free on Monday.
Guy: I have class on Mondays. Can we go out on another day?
Girl: Doesn't sound like you're interested in going out with me. Gotta go.
Guy: Yes I do can't we go another time....Hello ? That girl is such an ultimatum dater.
by CapAIM November 2, 2009
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Ultimatum Show

The popular YouTube group that makes comedy and stunt videos
Ultimatum Show Plays Basketball, Ultimatum 6065 and We Hate Boxes
by Ultimatum Show July 1, 2010
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reverse ultimatum

Commonly found in male and female intimate relationships where there is a reversral of any initial conditions that that were primarily required.
Jane - "Go soft on me and don't dog me out."
John - " Nice try, your getting bored out like an oil well in Saudi Arabia."
by fuckerIdid! April 29, 2003
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