
1. When someone gives you the choice between something bad and something worse.

2. When someone gives you the choice between something bad and nothing at all.
My Boss gave me the ultimatum between working full time on Saturdays and getting fired.

The only choice the Last of Us 2 gives the player is the ultimatum between doing terrible things for no reason, and turning off the game.
by Idno July 8, 2020
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Hyuuga Ultimatum

1. demand(s) made under explicit penalty of Communist revolution
synonyms: revolution card, the Lenin Diaries, prole scam
2. any ultimatum wherein the giver benefits more from the resultant breakdown than from the fulfillment of the demand itself, esp. when the giver continues to agitate towards breakdown after their demands have been met
synonyms: (spiking the) Red Bull, backdoor Bolshevik, double-crop
Student 1: "The Upper Class players were doing pretty well in our game of social Monopoly until Gus sneaked a revolution card into the chance pile and pulled it on us."
Student 2: "Yeah, that Gus really has a knack for Hyuuga Ultimatums."
Gus: "Slandering the proletariat again, are we? Any more of this oppression and we'll be forced to revolt!"
Both Students: "Fuck you, Gus!"
by Darth Stalin November 30, 2015
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It's spoken by few, and feared by many. It's The Ultimatum of Del Taco.
by 000578 November 29, 2020
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Patty Ultimatum

A choice of two things but both are equally as awful as the other. You don’t want to choose either of them, but a decision has to be made.
Sam was given a patty ultimatum of either going to the run down casino or babysitting a stranger’s baby. With a deadline, he had to make a decision between these horrible options.
by Mermandi May 3, 2021
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3 a week ultimatum

When a sexually frustrated person expresses to their partner that if the relationship can last any longer, they need to be intimate at least 3 times a week.
After months and months of the couple hardly ever having sex, Dan gave Jessica the 3 a week ultimatum to try to avoid him having to end the relationship.
by Ryan331 December 9, 2023
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The Ultimatum

When you're getting a Gobby and you feel you're nearing ejaculation, you hold your girls' head at 'balls deep' level so as she can't pull away.

Between the realisation of this AND the hot load in her mouth, she will become slightly disoriented.
Use this extremely small window of opportunity to grab the strategicly placed Cling Wrap and wrap her entire head (ensuring its completely air tight and she still has your load in her mouth.
Tell her she has 2 choices: swallow it and you will remove the wrap,
Or she suffocates and dies.
(For optimal effectiveness, use on one of those rich, stuck up sluts that thinks their shit don't stink)
"Aye, I FINALLY got a Gobby off that Becky slut"
"Yeah? Decent?"
"Nah it was shit, so gave her The Ultimatum"
by HubsBeats July 8, 2019
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Freedom Ultimatum

Demanding either lost freedom(s) is granted, or to be compensated for the loss.
The Freedom Ultimatum he proposed basically said he'd reclaim his birth right to live off the land how he sees fit unless he's compensated with money and healthcare.
by Klueade September 22, 2020
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