Something that has such superiority and intellectual power that it simply cannot be expressed any other way than "God tier."
Person #1-yo watch me do a triple back flip handspring without using my legs *does it*

Person #2-that was some god tier shit Yo do it again
by ʎǝlpɐɹq July 4, 2018
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Fake car enthusiasts who frequently vape at car meets. These haphazardly eBay-modified shitbuckets are sometimes called alt-ricers or "cringe tier" for obvious reasons. They attempt to incorporate: A) Stance, B) Murdered-out, C) 2003 Wings West body kit rice D) Wannabe RWB/tire letters, and other fleeting car scene trends, but fail their execution because they lack the actual financial means to see the project through, which inevitably makes it slower than it was before the owner fucked it up.

How you can spot a Vape Tier car:

-They regularly brag about how the bank doesn't own their pile of literal shit
-They brag about the sheer quantity of eBay modifications
-Due to low intelligence, they respond to criticism with cop-out phrases, such as "respek my build," and "it's my car and I'll build it how I want." You are not allowed to criticize or dislike a vape tier car, lest you become known as a “hater”
-Known to slide into a tire biter's DM
-Their favorite hobbies are vaping and masturbating to 20-year-old POS cars splattered with various colors of peeling Plastidip
-Owners will unironically rock stickers that say "Your girlfriend likes this" or “Built not bought
-For some reason, these people place a high emphasis on creativity with their cars, even though they lack taste, tact, or vision
-Literally every Subaru (no exceptions)
-Car meets that encourages hooning, burnouts, revving and other activities with no skill/barrier to entry
-Abject poverty.
1. Did you see that vape tier car?
2. Yeah that stanced Subaru with 7 different colors of plastidip with vape smoke coming out the window?
3. Hey that's my car! Why can't you respeck my build?! *hits vape* fuck I wish I wasn't retarded and poor
by JDMisFORvapelords December 29, 2016
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A person who picks only top tier characters in a fighting game.
If you pick Yun in 3rd Strike only because he's top tier, you are a tier-whore.
by 1337ChunChun December 8, 2010
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Stay away from that! Do not do tier 15!
"Looks like your date went pretty good buddy"

"Uhh I dont know. Is the hug okay? Gimmie some tips man

"Bro, you gotta let things take their natural path. Look, look. Let me explain some junk about dating. Right now your at tier one. Which is hugging. But pretty soon you will be at tier two. Which is smooching. Then you will make it down the road to tier 5, where she will let you discover all fifteen feet of her long, beautiful stomach. And after a while, you will make it to tier eight, where you touch her horn for the very first time. Very special."

"What about tier fifteen?"

"Stay away from that, do not do tier 15!"
by HitlerDidNothingWrongGuys November 2, 2020
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when some thing is so fucking amazing u use a tier list rank to express how insane it is
person 1: nah im sorry this song is so fucking s tier i have to run it back

person 2: that shit is buns turn that shit off
by Atta boy 👴🏻 January 21, 2022
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white rims on a automobile making it look like the car is riding on ghosts
Paul: whoa look that guy is using ghost tiers
Jim: ya that is awesome
by merlinbeats October 3, 2011
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