A penis capable of killing a man, even Vin Diesil
Mark: That Jack sure does have a mammoth.
Steffan: I heard he killed several men in one of Freddie Mercurys gay backstage orgys with it.
Jack: Silence, he is hungry.
by Jack Mammoth May 23, 2005
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of great elephantlike-ness. of great awesomeness, amazingness, or size. nothing to do with republicans.
dude, you got so much mammoth on that jump.
youre so mammoth.
youre totally mammoth on guitar.
im mad mammoth
by megonegraka February 19, 2008
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A large hairy beast with a trunk the size of Barbara Streisand's nose.
Help, there is a mammoth in my closet!
by CalamariPancake April 12, 2009
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Large furry creature, elephant like. (Exstinct)
Oh look there's a HUGE wooly mammoth!
by Frannie October 6, 2003
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reference to extremely large, powerful legs; thick legs
watch out! she might unleash the mammoths!
by Allie April 21, 2005
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