by Duke-Nukem November 7, 2013
by inferno(gamer) February 25, 2020
A quote from SouthPark character Jimmy. He is Handi-capped and proud. He excells at many things, so there for he does not consider himself as Handi-Capped but HANDI-CAPABLE.
by Stefuunee STFU! July 10, 2009
by Tags November 8, 2004
Hey look at that retarded guy... I don't think he can walk
Handy capable is a much better term for retarded you know. people don't get offended then
Handy capable is a much better term for retarded you know. people don't get offended then
by saberscars March 14, 2011
by Kaceyw January 23, 2019
When one achieves something most people would consider impossible or unachievable. Successfully completing an act that would be considered insane, while sane.
by Boferre June 30, 2010