the melvins

a kickass band!
some say that they inspired nirvana and co-invented what later became known as grunge.
in fact kurt cobain was one of their biggest fans in the early days.
they also became popular in the stoner rock / doom metal scene with some of their releases and got respect by the punks for colaborating with jello biafra...anyway, the melvins always keep it experimental so you can't tell what genre they fit into.
today the melvins release on ipecac (mike paton ring a bell?)...there could be no bettter label for them
by SgrDD April 8, 2008
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One of the best bands ever. They've been around for twenty years, and they're going stronger than many of the young upstarts fresh out of the gate. They're currently on Patton's Ipecac Records, the place for music. Quite plainly, they just rip shit.

Buzz "King Buzzo" Osbourne--Guitars/vocals
Dale Crover--Drums
Kevin Rutmanis--bassist
Metallica fan: "St. Anger was such a dissapointment. I want to like it, but I just can't."
Melvins fan: "Check out Pigs of the Roman Empire, the Melvins still know how to make music, unlike Metallicock."
by Virgil Caine May 30, 2005
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Look at matt he is so melvin
by xmku2.0 July 7, 2011
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One of the very first people that created ninjas nearly two thousand centuries ago.
A very powerful ninja known to dominate the rival ninja known as Jasmin.
His power is so mighty it is said that it rivals that of Chuck Norris.
A tour-group came to a huge city that was totally demolished; "what happened here," they asked. The guide simply said Melvin.
by kaibakid February 11, 2010
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a boy you love to look at. his skin is perfecty smooth and tan, his eyes are dark and dangerous and his smile is to die for. he's very smart especially in creative writing even if he is somewhat an overachiever. he loves soccer and is fiercly loyal to his friends. with just a wink he'll melt your heart and you will promise him your virginty. he can own your vagina with just a glance.
girl 1: omg did you see that guy?? he winked at me and my vagina belonged to him
girl 2: oh yeah that happened to me yesterday, he's such a melvin.
by torimusic April 30, 2012
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A frontal wedgie. Instead of underpants being up your butt crack, they ride up into the labia.
It is not okay to pick your Melvin in public.
by alicenwundrlnd October 15, 2014
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A rare person that jacks off everyday usually have ligma
Melvin’s arm is hugs,girl omg yea Melvin’s friend yea he maturbates daily
by Shgwbaj July 22, 2018
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