the good shit

Oregano, often mistaken for various other herbs including weed.
This my friends, is the good shit.
by Bigparsnip August 27, 2006
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good shit

"good shit" is an expression someone says when they like an action or event that has happened.
Person A: Hey, I'm seeing this band live tomorrow night, how are they?
Person B: Dude, they are amazing live, you're going to have a blast!
Person A: Good shit!
by Oceasar November 14, 2013
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good shit

A phrase used to describe drugs that get you higher than usual.
That bag of weed I bought from my friend was some good shit.
by AYB April 9, 2003
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good shit

Something that you know is bad for you but still love it.
"That KFC chicken was good shit"
by lnluc September 16, 2006
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that good shit

the stuff you get from you dealer
dude 1) broooooooooooooooooo thats that good shit

dude 2) i know right
by falloutboi123 December 12, 2018
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good shit

when playing basketball it's used to mean "nice move" or "good play"
player 1: dunks
teammate: That's good shit.
by mwilson January 3, 2006
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good shit

n.- when you drop a deuce and you feel a lot better than when you went in the bath in the first place.
that was a good shit!
by leaveit2keeler January 29, 2011
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