British slang for a sum of money of £10,000. Named after England Football Captain, John Terry, who was caught by tabloid newspaper News of the World attempting to charge £10,000 to reporters for clandestine and secretive private tours of Chelsea's Football Ground
I went and saw this motor the other night, the geezer only wanted a Terry for it.
by Ponyegg December 21, 2009
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Proper name of any pure-bred hick or white-trash male from the Florida panhandle or similar backwoods region.
Here comes Terry in his 4x4
by Muk Wang October 29, 2006
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to sleep

this verb is named after terry schiavo who was a well known vegetable.
I terried for 14 hours last nite.

I've been terrying all day long.

BRB guys, i'm going to go have a 45 minute terry session.
by ChaDMcBaDD October 12, 2009
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1.) Noun: A humorous white guy who is famous for his frequent typos. He is also known to cross-dress at parties. Most Terry's have walleye vision and hot dog fingers, except those born in Missouri. 1a.) The Missourian-born Terry's, claim to be masters of the barbecue domain and have a wicked backhand in tennis.
1.) Oh, God...look at that Terry, dressed like Liza Minnelli; that's SO overdone!

1a.)He's a typical Terry on the grill. You ask for medium-rare, and it's BURNT; but wow, he just beat Agassi!
by glitter-san August 29, 2008
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A fat guy at a church that has to sit in 3 chairs. One time, he tried to sit in one, and it broke, so he yelled out in the middle of church, "Dadgummit! I done it again!" and got in trouble.
by ebghjebb August 14, 2017
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A Male Karen. Hallmarks, Calls the Manager, makes a huge display out of nothing, completely entitled and self-centered and absorbed, often times shading/veiled as being a wonderful citizen.
That Terry just stopped all the traffic to let the person who cut him off know he was calling the police and reporting him to his company. He is such a Terry!
by Ag Arillon August 14, 2020
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A liverpudlian slang for a douche, some one who can be an idiot in more ways than one
OMG he should stop being such a Terry.

Lad you are being a terry, stop it
by deepveinthrombosis June 6, 2009
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