When an electronic component, computer component, or other piece of technology is associated with erotica, reproductive organs, or other sexual reference.
It can also be used to describe the use of technology based processes in sexual innuendo.
Example 1:
John mentions in conversation a reference to his computer dongle. Linda replies with "I don't really want to hear about your dongle John," insinuating he is referencing his genitalia.
Example 2:
A woman says to a male, "I've got an open USB slot if you would like to plug your device in," cleary insinuating sexual intercourse.
Example 3:
"The way that connector plugs into that slot is very techno-erotic."
by Nathan the Madscientist November 3, 2006
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An expression to show that you vehemently disagree with what a person has just said to you.
Question: "Don't you think that President Bush is the best president ever?"

Answer: "Heck no, techno!"
by 7th Floor Whitney Hall August 21, 2006
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Owner of Neoneelart

Extremely vain hunky bastardazation of all things striped in short. Supposed to be like "famous" after offending large group of people by amazingly well telling them why are they ugly and fail in real life on some art-dedicated web site. The people, who actually had no social life and were far from being beatiful, got angry and hacked his account. Some people got a painful butthurt after seeing the Techno-Raccoon guy in real life, as they thought he would be short and fat but he turned out to be handsome, looking at the thinkers as on shit and later writing post about the meeting with one of the guys he offended in his LiveJournal. The chain of events based on his irritation and the butthurt of the ones he hurt made him recognisable for his pefectionism. There is evidence that he actually has a real raccoon as pet.
I'm getting my Neoneelart commision from the Techno-Raccoon, bet it will be cool
by MariahMagdalenaTheSecond May 19, 2010
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(N) \ˈtek-nō ˈpü\ - Pooping while listening to techno and repeatedly flipping the bathroom light switch to simulate a strobe-light effect.
Jim was enjoying the music at the festival entirely too much to duck out and drop a dook. When nature called, he ran to his hotel for a brief Techno Poo.
by Bobby-D-Light October 14, 2014
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A newly arising social class in high school and collage. This social class includes the people that are living Watch Dogs for real. If you need somthng hacked or messed with they are your guy.
Have you seen the new guy he is a real Techno Freak
by TheCartographer September 30, 2014
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The Techno Viking is a German Techno enthusiast whom makes it his job to defend blue-haired chicks and uphold the balance of bad-assery whereever he goes. With his mighty finger, he will point and strike fear into the hearts of tools who try to run into (copping a feel, maybe?) blue-haired chicks. He will then dance the night away... hell, he's so badass, he drinks from upside-down water bottles!

He's also rumored to be the only one who can withstand the atomic-bomb-like-power of a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick. This can neither be confirmed or denied, because nobody knows just who the Techno Viking truly is.

See also: Man-Crush
The Techno Viking is to Bad-Ass as Andrew Dice Clay is to not being funny.... aka, Techno Viking is pretty fucking badass!

The Techno Viking is to Bad-Ass as Carlos Mencia is to being a rip-off-artist... aka, Techno Viking is pretty badass.

The Techno Viking is to Bad-Ass as Sarah Palin is to complete and utter moron and failure... aka, Techno Viking is pretty badass.
by TedStix June 27, 2010
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Originally a web comics artist, who made name after creating discriminative and abusive illustrated threads focusing on "the-reason-you-fail" topics (which prooved to be not bad after all and showed the effectivness of butthurt provocation in masses) + drew tribute art to eastern european club whore's modelling (most likely shot on cellphones), whose art actually used to be quite fun (but has seen better days). The creator (Neonil) once cared about his customers and their satisfaction. Not anymore. The new Techno-raccoon is too deep into advertising and shameless self promotion (honestly, to position self among a bunch of complete dorks and loosers is a sure way to look God-like on their background and a nice way to promote self too as his example shows) to care about anyone anymore. The only thing he cares about now is making money. Neonil doesnt care about the quality of Neoneelart anymore. More modelling (aka shut up-sit-watch and jerk off over my eyebrows, motherfuckers, they're UNSTOPPABLE!!!111), more random portrait photography, more unfinished Lunaville comics (basically nothing but illustrated guides on how to exterminate the unworthy wuss) and so on. So if you want to experience the best of Neoneelart, get your credit cards ready, because the only things this greedy bastard cares about are benjamins and jacksons. (hundreds and twentys for those of you who didnt get it.) Long live the power of money! Raccoon power FTW!
A: That dumbass Techno-Raccoon is kinda cute

B: Yeah
by Sanjibad December 7, 2010
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