by da sheista July 1, 2013
by Golden Delicious & Tasty Teets April 21, 2006
by stefleta September 6, 2003
I'm working on some shittle.
by Kohle February 12, 2012
Their house was a landmine of shelves filled with shittle. eg. collections of figurines , bric-brac , souveniers , beer bottles , yard art
by Gilda Lily December 5, 2010
The annoying habit of jiggling one's leg under a table or desk. Usually the offender is not aware of the habit but unfortunately, the surrounding people are well aware of it.
by Jeff Sears August 25, 2005
A juicy fart, two parts aroma, one part substance; the act of farting with a little fecal secretion; to shit a little whilst farting
by TwistyMcfisty February 15, 2008