
A girl who's a hoe/slut/slide all rolled into one. A bottom-less pit.
"That bitch Jessica is the only shimy, she'll let any dude run up in her"
by ››secret+SKILLZ May 5, 2006
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A baby alligator that eats orange jelly beans on tuesdays
I just saw a shimy on tuesday that was eating orange jelly beans.
by boy_scoutiehi2u March 30, 2003
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A man that usually has sex with 2 to 3 girls at once.
Look at that shimi, he's fucking three Girls at once!
by Gs421 June 15, 2014
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Cool swaggy girl and guy and person just super cool skeleton :D also an Emporer!
"WOW emporer Shimi is so cool"
by Insta:Bangtan_ketchup October 17, 2021
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Shimi is the name of a natural born loyal leader, they are always kind but if angered will not hesitate to absolutely ruin your life.
Gosh they're such a Shimi, they are so strong and scary
by froginsoup October 17, 2021
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The epitome of retard, one who truly needs to be put down.

Can often be associated with mentally disabled donkeys.
"Dude that guy got a 20% on the test, what a shimi."
by smokey robinson January 7, 2015
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someone who manages to sit 2 years of a course over the period of 4 years
Dude you better pass these resits, you don't wanna be a Shimi !
by Dr.A.Villa June 17, 2008
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