YG is a scumbag” yes that’s how you use it in a sentence-
by #YGgotojailparty August 5, 2019
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someone who is extrememly dirty and the biggest dirtball in your school
Ian Lotz is the biggest scumbag in the world!
by scummyruss April 7, 2011
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A Quagmire-esque pledge who thinks he can get with hot girls but settles for unsavory women. Also uses the phrases "niiice" "giggity giggity" and "i want a pistol up my ass"
"Why isn't Joey B. doing his duty Raf?"
"He's over there talking to that babe,..kids a scumbag."
by Ryan Macks April 10, 2007
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a Scumbag is a boyfriend that goes and fucks someone while you're spending the day with your family on your birthday
Can you believe Chuck is such a scumbag?
by Franz B April 26, 2011
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Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton. DNC. John Podesta. Backstabbing republicans. Barack Obama.
Those scumbags are rigging the election.
by Inteligram October 27, 2016
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Someone who has surpassed the levels of Jerk, Asshole, Douche-bag and Motherfucker.
Wears baseball caps sideways, spouts meaningless bullshit at everyone, claims he has 'swag', and sleeps with nearly everybody's girlfriend.
Usually has greatly reduced intelligence, and is almost always a hypocrite.
The best ways to deal with a scumbag are:
A: Beat the shit out of him.
B: Make fun of him until he cries, or loses his temper.
C: Say something highly intelligent, forcing him to say something incredibly stupid.
Scumbag: Lol, I fucked your girlfriend last night, you have no sweg, lol.

Guy 1: Did you see that scumbag over there? That dick-wad is wearing his hat sideways!
Guy 2: Yep, definitely a scumbag. Better keep your girlfriend away from him.

Scumbag: Lol, ur gay, no swag, I has #Sweg, fag.
Guy: Hey, leave them alone!
Scumbag: Whatcha gonna do about it?
Guy: *says nothing*
Scumbag: Damn straight.
Guy: Really? I couldn't tell you were.
*everybody laughs*
by Theminemodder April 15, 2014
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