a replica of what once was...
by soph. August 14, 2005
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Anything that is designed or made to closely look like a particular object or subject, in order to perform such task as reenactments.
I designed a replica of John's head to reenact the crash, in order to figure out how to make car's safer
by Brian March 2, 2004
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Replica (from Italian replica, to replicare, duplicate, from Latin replicare, repeat; academic language) is an exact copy or model of an object.
Hey wanna buy this Portal Gun?

No, it is a Replica...
by Lazermojo October 9, 2013
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Just a copy/replica on the internet ,doing trolling, there are so many riders , but you can't be an original rider on the internet there are too many .
This guy is trying to be rider , he is a rider replica.
by Ryderreplica March 27, 2020
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Replica is a fake shiny moncler that can be bought for way under the retail price and can be found in urban markets such as deptford market. Take caution as the coat may not scan to verify it is a genuine moncler product!
Ay that guy has a shiny replica
by Shinyboy April 20, 2023
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This is a replica of Andy's room from toy story~
This is a replica of Andy's room from toy story- The Neighbor
by BuzzlightyearNeighbor September 21, 2023
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