7 definitions by you wouldn't care

The social spot for the white trash.
Girl: Let's hang out.
Boy: Let's go to Wal-Mart then!
Girl: Yay!
by you wouldn't care September 4, 2005
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A pill popper is a person who develops a certain dependance on medicine in pill form, but doesn't have to mean the person is obsessed or depressed, or even suicidal.
by you wouldn't care September 6, 2005
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A sophisticated word Daryl Hannah, as Elle in "Kill Bill 2", used to describe the Black Mamba deathly strike, while Michael Madsen (Budd) was dying from the Black Mamba bite.
Elle: The amounts can be gargantuan. Ahh... "Gargantuan", such a great word, I hardly could use it anywhere in a sentence.
by you wouldn't care September 6, 2005
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A secret (or maybe not so secret) society of rotten bastards who beat their wives.
Bob: I'm gonna join the wifebeaters, you fucking bitch!
Bob's wife: Oh honey! That seems wonderful!
by you wouldn't care September 6, 2005
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Is a way to get stuck up more hours at work. It's also a great way for your boss to keep you sucking their asses, whether they want to or not, they activate or deactivate your on calls.
I got an on call activated today, so I couldn't go to the beach! Damn fuckers!
by you wouldn't care September 6, 2005
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A quote is a word, phrase or sentence that you add to a conversation/essay but is not of your creation, but someone else's.
I would like to quote my brother on this, "flo sucks like donkey kong"...
by you wouldn't care September 5, 2005
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1. A person who usually drinks while he/she is online. It becomes noticeable when the person is IMing other people.
Wikali: I'm so e-drunk right now I could fuck you!
SuperJerk: No way, man! She wants to fuck me!
SuperJerk: Are you for real?
Wikali: Do I know you?
by you wouldn't care September 4, 2005
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