1: Losing badly at something
2: l337 (online) slang for 'owned'
3: The mis-spelling of 'owned'
4: Getting showed up/embarressed in a public event by someone/something
2: l337 (online) slang for 'owned'
3: The mis-spelling of 'owned'
4: Getting showed up/embarressed in a public event by someone/something
Example for 1:
Ryan loses to Brian
Brian: "Hahaha, you got PWN3D!"
Example for 2:
"omfg d00d i pwn3d him cuz i r r0xx0rzz"
Example for 3:
"And then I pwn3d him at Halo"
"Whoops, I mean owned"
Example for 4:
Person A: "I spent a long time writing the entire script to Harry Potter"
Person B: "Yeah, I downloaded it off the internet too"
Person C: "PWN3D!"
Ryan loses to Brian
Brian: "Hahaha, you got PWN3D!"
Example for 2:
"omfg d00d i pwn3d him cuz i r r0xx0rzz"
Example for 3:
"And then I pwn3d him at Halo"
"Whoops, I mean owned"
Example for 4:
Person A: "I spent a long time writing the entire script to Harry Potter"
Person B: "Yeah, I downloaded it off the internet too"
Person C: "PWN3D!"
by Sam Harrison January 8, 2004
Eugene: I've never got it on with a girl, I own you.
Poindexter: oh yeah? Well I've never even spoken to a girl, but have 50GB of tentacle rape pr0n on my C:\ and have every star trek episode on DVD
Eugene: omg you rule
Poindexter: omg wtf j00 pwn3DD!!!1
Poindexter: oh yeah? Well I've never even spoken to a girl, but have 50GB of tentacle rape pr0n on my C:\ and have every star trek episode on DVD
Eugene: omg you rule
Poindexter: omg wtf j00 pwn3DD!!!1
by Kung-fu Jesus July 28, 2004
Originating from the word "owned", the word later took on the 1337 variation 0wn3d. Because this was primarily used as a cry of victory or supremacy in first person shooter games online, typos occured, the most common involved missing the "o" key and hitting the "p" key. This stuck, leaving us with the words pwn, pwn4g3, and pwn3d
by John Wells November 22, 2004
The act of being badly defeated at video games or various sports. The term originally derived from the "1337" language which was created by nerds who were good at video games and nothing else. The term was then brought off the internet and various online games and into the light of the outside world where normal people picked up on the new word and started to use it. This term is now used across the United States and other English speaking nations. The word was first owned, then turned to own3d by a minorly clever gamer, and then turned to pwn3d with the accidental pressing over the P key instead of the O key as a result of typing too fast.
by Xakaryus December 27, 2006
A intended mispelling in leet speak, originally coming from having root access to a UNIX operating system such as if it were your computer you would own it, but by means of exploiting a hole in their system, you gain full control of their system, and in essence own it, or should I say 'pwn' it. If you are a victim of such an escapade you would be considered 'pwn3d'. This has been taken out of context as you can see over the years buy wannabe "hackers" and children with nothing more to do than try to act `leet`.
"Yeah, he was running a vulnerable finger daemon and I pwn3d his ass with a simple buffer overflow"
"haha, you got pwned by that guy with 4 fingers"
"all your base are mine, i pwn you"
"haha, you got pwned by that guy with 4 fingers"
"all your base are mine, i pwn you"
by SkizW June 18, 2005
by Doh Nuts 13 September 14, 2004