32 definitions by Doh Nuts 13

Another term used to describe masturbating.
Mom: what are you doing in there!?

Son: washing the boat...

Mom: ok.

Son: HA! she fell for it (jerking off sounds)

Mom: Wait a minute, he doesnt have a boat in his room...
by Doh Nuts 13 September 15, 2004
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A group of white kids who think their cool because they listen to rap music and they travel in a group of like 11 people and pick on smaller kids and smoke weed.
Fucking great, here come the wassup yo bitches.
by Doh Nuts 13 September 21, 2004
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A very addictive game in which the only controls you need is the mouse, numbers 1-4, tab and shift. The game is awesome, I quit for awhile and now im addicted again, SOMEONE HELP ME!!
Dude I pwn3d so many n00bs in D2 last night.
by Doh Nuts 13 September 14, 2004
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The greatest Fucking band ever imaginable!!
Led Zeppelin pwns you all!!
by Doh Nuts 13 September 10, 2004
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Bruce Lee was the greatest martial artist/philosopher that ever was and ever will be, no one will ever compare to him. The world is a sadder place without Bruce Lee and his kick-ass martial arts moves and his philosophy's.
We should all listen to what Bruce Lee had to say, he was a great man and a Greater teacher....
by Doh Nuts 13 September 14, 2004
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The loveable character on futrama that everyone loves to hate.
I feel like Dr. Zoidberg sometimes, I think I should get an ink bladder put in for protection.
by Doh Nuts 13 September 15, 2004
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The act of having no taste in good music and telling other people that their music sucks.
you have no v00l you n00b
by Doh Nuts 13 September 13, 2004
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