by smokemeout11 October 11, 2010
A sex position commonly involving two males, where the dominant male takes a fat shit into the other males ass. The other male then proceeds to shoot the shit back into the dominant males ass, and the process continues back and forth, until the shit misses an asshole.
“I am totally gay for Kevin Hart. If I was ever in a relationship with him, we would Kentucky Tennis Match.”
by RealKevinHartFan69 January 14, 2019
Yo I just came back from an Extreme aggressive painful screaming torturous violent agonizing screeching long ass tennis match
by Midget Gang CEO May 28, 2020
Axis tennis match is when two people stand ass to ass while passing a BOP bolt using only their anal muscles until one of the players can’t pass the any longer. The loser must thread the bolt onto their erect penis and wear it until they successfully change rams and test a 10k BOP.
by Grantowesmeahandjob March 8, 2023
Axis tennis match is when two people stand ass to ass and pass a BOP bolt back and forth using only their Anal muscles until one person can’t pass it no more. That person must thread the bolt onto their erect penis and wear the bolt until they successfully change rams and pressure test a 10 k BOP.
Mark : Hey Kevin what’s wrong with you today?
Kevin : My dick fell off because Grant won the Axis Tennis Match!
Kevin : My dick fell off because Grant won the Axis Tennis Match!
by Grantowesmeahandjob March 8, 2023