Main Entry: psyched
Variant(s): also psyched /'sIkd/
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): psyched;
To be excited or pumped up about something.
Variant(s): also psyched /'sIkd/
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): psyched;
To be excited or pumped up about something.
by random hero June 25, 2003
A shortened way to say Psychedelics.
by unkledadi April 8, 2023
A shortened way to say Psychedelics.
by Cog Sex May 23, 2023
Often believed, by those who don't understand the term's origin, to be spelt (or spelled, for the American audience) 'sike'.
Deriving from the word psychology, psych is a term used to indicate that whatever the person speaking just said was done so purely to mess with the listener's mind, to 'psych' them out, if you will.
Deriving from the word psychology, psych is a term used to indicate that whatever the person speaking just said was done so purely to mess with the listener's mind, to 'psych' them out, if you will.
by ThisBitch") July 24, 2015
You: Yo i was with this hot piece of ass last night.
Me: Really? Who was it?
You: Psyche! Like i could get with a hot piece of ass?!
Me: Really? Who was it?
You: Psyche! Like i could get with a hot piece of ass?!
by Urban Dictionary October 11, 2004
A word used when you are just kidding with your friends, and don't mean whatever it was that you just said.
by Mr. Sneakers September 25, 2009
by BlackPohatu September 11, 2016