"She looks like a prozzie"
by Joey6 July 27, 2005
by Fresh Kid Ice June 13, 2010
by Frankietown April 29, 2009
Slang for Prostitute.
by ToxicFibre March 23, 2016
The best message board on the internet, whose members are by far the most attractive people on the planet.
by Spoonfan April 25, 2005
"A forum for da ho in all of uz"
A congregation of elite attractive witty open-minded individuals who enjoy discrimination and all things perverse.
A congregation of elite attractive witty open-minded individuals who enjoy discrimination and all things perverse.
Hey yo, those people at Prozzies make me sick. Ya'll ain't got no self respect. Notice how my girl don't post there no more? Yeh. Word.
(Real life exmaples of people too ugly for Prozzies)
(Real life exmaples of people too ugly for Prozzies)
by Bruce April 26, 2005