One who is "on the other team" so to speak.
A type of person who would have enjoyed living under British rule and would have protested fighting for independence.
One who does not understand, Saddam was killing men, women, and children to terrorize his people. The men, women, and children we are killing are cassualties and the reason is that we want some stability in the Middle East. We want to see a free Iraq.
A very simple-minded person who just loves being the "freedom fighter" when in fact all they are doing is holding freedom back - and allowing tyranical regimes like the Hussein regime to stay in power.
A type of person who would have enjoyed living under British rule and would have protested fighting for independence.
One who does not understand, Saddam was killing men, women, and children to terrorize his people. The men, women, and children we are killing are cassualties and the reason is that we want some stability in the Middle East. We want to see a free Iraq.
A very simple-minded person who just loves being the "freedom fighter" when in fact all they are doing is holding freedom back - and allowing tyranical regimes like the Hussein regime to stay in power.
by Steven July 11, 2004
Patriot; dissenter; someone who realizes that participatory democracy means not only voting to be heard and to influence the country. While there are some exceptions, a person who possesses a larger understnnding of geography, geo-political consequences of a country's foreign policy, and said country's place in the world.
Because of the anti-war protestors, the suits on Wall Street arrived late and didn't make the opening bell.
by radio August 9, 2003
Someone who believes that despite ending Nazism, Communism, Slavery, and Fascism, war never accomplished anything.
by Jeff February 27, 2004
cop: let the fire hose loose on those antiwar protestors(dirty hippies)... they sure do look like they need a bath
by Anonymous October 29, 2003
Rich little pricks who hate america,they sit on there asses and think holding up signs and blocking traffic will make a difference
by R E B E L August 16, 2003
an (usually) intelligent person with views that may slightly conflict with others and risk themselves for them i.e.-a respectable person
for all the people who are bad-mouthing the intelligent ones in our community, the only difference between you and them is balls... cause u apparently have none...
for all the people who are bad-mouthing the intelligent ones in our community, the only difference between you and them is balls... cause u apparently have none...
"i really admire that anitwar protestor for standing for what they believe in and i won't go on a site and call them stupid names because i am too cowardly to do it in public."
by AlabamaGurl October 18, 2003
Someone in favor of a war for whatever reason. There aren't that many of them around because the A.N.S.W.E.R Police are ordered to censor them whenever they come to crash an anitwar protest. They represent the silent majority, or those who occasionally express their views through radio personalities like Rush Limbaugh, but rarely resort to the fanatical antics and idiotic screaming of the Majority Apparent.
Prowar Protesters march right through a crowd of over a thousand or so leftists complaining about George W. Bush suppressing free speech, but attempt to silence the prowar advocates when they attempt to voice their opinions. Go figure.
by C-can January 23, 2004