Permanently-Fried. When you do so much acid you never come down completely and are never the same. Does NOT mean flash-backs, that's different.
by rubicante June 14, 2003
by Salieri_82 May 27, 2006
When you smoke so much weed that you permanently seem high when sober, permanent stoner eyes (closed ish eyes) and permanent stoned behaviour, people may ask you if you're stoned when you're sober if you're permafried
by Glitxh February 10, 2023
Where you smoke so much weed, you feel, even when youre not stoned, a feeling of physical and mental exhaustion.
by mitch connor II September 9, 2011
smoking so much weed that you are known to have S.R.D. (stupid retarded disorder). also known as "William Fisher."
that kid is permafried!
by willie wonka520 July 11, 2008
Fast food items found on the floor of your car that look exactly the same as they did a year ago when they fell out of the bag
You want some permafries with that?
by Fry_cook January 13, 2014
Someone who has done so much acid, even when not tripping, they think differently and the effects of acid still seem in effect.
by Mashiss March 25, 2015