A person who has taken and abused drugs for so long that they achieve a permanent state of "highness" whether they are on drugs or not. They are literally a little bit "munted" forever...
by TinkaBell January 9, 2017
John Saunders went way too hard for way too long but hasnt touched drugs in 10 years. Even after such a long period of sobriety he shows signs of serious brain damage and as such is permafried
by rocketdogz September 21, 2010
A person who has taken and abused drugs for so long that they achieve a permanent state of "highness" whether they are on drugs or not. They are literally a little bit "munted" forever...
by TinkaBell January 9, 2017
by XxbertxX September 1, 2006
Getting baked too often to where you have the effects without smoking, makes you feel stupid and lost at times
by Ace-_-420 August 5, 2011
When youve done too many drugs in a short amount of time youre permanently fucked up/ retarded
Also known as a Matthew Ramo.
Also known as a Matthew Ramo.
by Fanxis August 15, 2017