paramour is a achievement for completeing the romace chapter in Mass Effect, A great bioware game.
boy: wow i just got the achievement for completeing the romance subplot its called Paramour awsome!
by Spike L April 26, 2008
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The lover of a married noble or person of hierarchy.
Princess Diana was devestated when she found out that Prince Charles was still seeing his long-time paramour,Camilla Bowles.
by Lena62 June 15, 2017
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A man or woman who engages in an illicit online affair with a married person. Cybersex may or may not be part of the exchange.
"He engaged a Cyber Paramour to take care of his hidden unmet needs while he was still married. They talked online several times a week."
by Mamahipster November 8, 2011
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It costs a fortune for a parent to secure their home to ensure that their teens are not sneaking their pubescent paramour into the house when no one is looking.
by MomOnTheEdge March 1, 2010
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When you accidently find yourself in love with someone that you weren't looking for, and didn't know you needed. It is the realization that someone has always been there, even in the years they weren't.
It was an amazing act of paramour-dipity that I found her. My wife loves her almost as much as I do, but damn, do I really adore her.
by kinkybabysteps June 24, 2021
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An old man's crazy mistress who is just waiting for him to die so she can get her hands on his money and blackacre
Anna Nicole was a total polly paramour
by Stephen Yeazel November 21, 2007
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Ever seen Paramour by Sub Urban and Auroura?

I don't like that part about doubting your dad
by peoplearecrazy April 19, 2022
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