Meaning that you are 40yrs old, therfore you have reached the climax of your life time and your beggining to go "over the hill."
by Robbie Young April 7, 2004
Reaching the average mid-point in life, which is age 40. Therefore 40th birthdays are generally thought of as making it "over the hill". You've gone up the hill for 40 years ⬆️ (healthy, youthful appearance, etc.), now 40 more years down the hill ⬇️ (decreasing health, loss of physical beauty, etc.)
by tman147258 October 17, 2016
In the rest of the world over the hill refers to someone over 40 or 50 but in Birkenhead your considered past it if you aren't married with kids at 19.
Person 1: OMG see that girl there? She's well over the hill her, shes 22 AND aint got no kid or even been married.
person 2: OMFG old hag!!!!
person 2: OMFG old hag!!!!
by old23yroldhag October 19, 2008
by chop_shop July 29, 2004
by Marla89 February 9, 2016
by I, Wreckerrr November 21, 2016
A sexual massage\move performed on a chick that is actually very simple. You place your hands down in her lower area and simply work your way up and over her ample tits. Where you go from there is up to you.
by TNT June 26, 2004