hometown of junior Grimes (J grimes)
junior is the beast of birkenhead
Junior Grimes. Birkenhead, UK (wirral)
junior is the beast of birkenhead
Junior Grimes. Birkenhead, UK (wirral)
Birkenhead is part of grimes’ heritage
The Wirral is notable for being home for the beast of birkenhead (junior the egomaniac)
The Wirral is notable for being home for the beast of birkenhead (junior the egomaniac)
by U R clueless October 4, 2021
Birkenhead is a shit hole town, Across the River Mersey from Liverpool. The people of Birkenhead are the Chavs of Chavs, alcoholic, crackheads, wanna be gangsters and so called hard men, make up the small inbred population. Getting pregnant at 14 by your boyfriend of 28 who happens to be a mate of your dad is perfectly normal, and part of Birkenhead culture. Birkenhead girls have large breasts and some are deeply attractive if a little tarty or chavtastic. A good time in Birkenhead is drinking cider outside Mac Donalds on a Saturday night, followed by a punch up and shagging a underaged girls at the back of Asda.
by kent brockman April 9, 2013
The true calling of junior the egomaniac (junior grimes/logan grimes)
The Beast of Birkenhead = junior grimes the forbidden one.....
If there’s ever an individual one can recognize as being the signature icon of a town then it’s junior grimes “the beast of birkenhead” as this young kid made his Mark on this world as the rejected son that rebelled against the world and follows his destiny rather than be like everybody else.
The town of birkenhead speaks words louder than the strongest cry to the heavens as not one has been able to match the impact that junior grimes has made in recent years.
Junior Grimes, brit aussie actor and rapper/singer. Recognizes his hometown of birkenhead forevermore.
Beast of birkenhead is his trademark name since he’s a fighter by birth and a killer by destiny whether or not junior admits to it or not. For one day junior the sinful son shall return to his town to see how much it has changed or if it’s the same as he remembers it once was.
There’s ONLY ONE beast of birkenhead and that is NONE OTHER THAN junior the egomaniac (the Forbidden One)
Anyone that follows junior grimes the egomaniac shall ALWAYS know about birkenhead as the breeding ground for alot of juniors personality since he is the sinful son, the one who will open the gates of hell and fill the world with chaos.
Junior Grimes the beast of birkenhead
The Beast of Birkenhead = junior grimes the forbidden one.....
If there’s ever an individual one can recognize as being the signature icon of a town then it’s junior grimes “the beast of birkenhead” as this young kid made his Mark on this world as the rejected son that rebelled against the world and follows his destiny rather than be like everybody else.
The town of birkenhead speaks words louder than the strongest cry to the heavens as not one has been able to match the impact that junior grimes has made in recent years.
Junior Grimes, brit aussie actor and rapper/singer. Recognizes his hometown of birkenhead forevermore.
Beast of birkenhead is his trademark name since he’s a fighter by birth and a killer by destiny whether or not junior admits to it or not. For one day junior the sinful son shall return to his town to see how much it has changed or if it’s the same as he remembers it once was.
There’s ONLY ONE beast of birkenhead and that is NONE OTHER THAN junior the egomaniac (the Forbidden One)
Anyone that follows junior grimes the egomaniac shall ALWAYS know about birkenhead as the breeding ground for alot of juniors personality since he is the sinful son, the one who will open the gates of hell and fill the world with chaos.
Junior Grimes the beast of birkenhead
Islamic terrorists: haha nobody can’t stop us
UK and US army: we can’t, but he can
The Beast of birkenhead: *arrives*
Islamic terrorists: *shits pants*
the beast of birkenhead: *proceeds to burn them alive including their shit countries altogether*
Junior the beast of birkenhead
UK and US army: we can’t, but he can
The Beast of birkenhead: *arrives*
Islamic terrorists: *shits pants*
the beast of birkenhead: *proceeds to burn them alive including their shit countries altogether*
Junior the beast of birkenhead
by Mystery box July 1, 2021
the other name of junior the egomaniac aka “Junior Grimes”, when one refers to juniors monstrous and merciless nature then it is applicable to call him as he was born; a beast of birkenhead.
Junior grimes was raised in birkenhead, the filthiest and lowest part of the Mersey side. anyone that knows junior well enough knows that birkenhead is home for him as the sinful son References the Wirral (birkenhead duh) in alot of his songs.
The Beast of Birkenhead = junior grimes the forbidden one.....
The wirral part of the UK that junior calls his hometown even though they took him outta there to supposedly give him a “normal life” and look where that brought junior, missing home and longing to return as soon as possible......
If there’s ever an individual one can recognize as being the signature icon of a town then it’s junior grimes “the beast of birkenhead” as this young kid made his Mark on this world as the rejected son that rebelled against the world and follows his destiny rather than be like everybody else.
Junior grimes is probably the best thing to come outta birkenhead which still isn’t saying much. And though even the people of that town disown junior as well he still has a sentimental attachment to his hometown.......
Junior Grimes, brit aussie actor and rapper/singer. Recognizes his hometown of birkenhead forevermore.
Junior Grimes the beast of birkenhead
Junior grimes was raised in birkenhead, the filthiest and lowest part of the Mersey side. anyone that knows junior well enough knows that birkenhead is home for him as the sinful son References the Wirral (birkenhead duh) in alot of his songs.
The Beast of Birkenhead = junior grimes the forbidden one.....
The wirral part of the UK that junior calls his hometown even though they took him outta there to supposedly give him a “normal life” and look where that brought junior, missing home and longing to return as soon as possible......
If there’s ever an individual one can recognize as being the signature icon of a town then it’s junior grimes “the beast of birkenhead” as this young kid made his Mark on this world as the rejected son that rebelled against the world and follows his destiny rather than be like everybody else.
Junior grimes is probably the best thing to come outta birkenhead which still isn’t saying much. And though even the people of that town disown junior as well he still has a sentimental attachment to his hometown.......
Junior Grimes, brit aussie actor and rapper/singer. Recognizes his hometown of birkenhead forevermore.
Junior Grimes the beast of birkenhead
Random scouser 1: oi you got another fag, mate?
Random underage chick: piss off I don’t smoke and I’m not your mate!
Random scouser: well lemme atleast pull your panties down , love
Random underage chick: oh I don’t know about that, your kinda filthy looking
Other scouser: wow darling your really disappointing the beast of birkenhead
Random underage chick: oh alrighty then let’s shag then , call it a threesome then?
**Both scouser proceed to sandwich said girl**
Junior the beast of birkenhead
Random underage chick: piss off I don’t smoke and I’m not your mate!
Random scouser: well lemme atleast pull your panties down , love
Random underage chick: oh I don’t know about that, your kinda filthy looking
Other scouser: wow darling your really disappointing the beast of birkenhead
Random underage chick: oh alrighty then let’s shag then , call it a threesome then?
**Both scouser proceed to sandwich said girl**
Junior the beast of birkenhead
by Unusually late June 29, 2021
An attempt of a moustache grown by a Birko that just has no strength in it whatsoever, usually just wisps of pubic hair grown above the top lip and a far cry from that of Magnum (Tom Selleck)
" I went on a bender and woke up three days later with what looked like a Birkenhead Mouser, I instantly shaved it off before leaving the house "
by John Gaskell September 17, 2005
I didnt have enough time to get changed or washed before I had to sign on, so I had a Birkenhead bath
by Knobbyknobrot February 8, 2007
Derived from the Birkenhead Drill, Birenhead's Law states that, because women are oppressed by patriarchy, men do not deserve any help or sympathy.
A new blog on Tumblr has just banned all men from joining because it's creator firmly believes in Birkenhead's Law.
by everythingannoysme July 9, 2015