v. to eat
n. food, meal

also nosh-up - a big meal
He was hungry and desperate to mosh.
I sat down to a big plate of nosh.

We went to the corner cafe for a good nosh-up.
by Humfry Bogus November 11, 2006
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the name given to the coolest guys in birmingham.
"you know the NOSH lads?"
"They're so cool"
by MandyManiac September 3, 2008
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All of the above definitions are WRONG.
NOSH is East-London Cockney street-slang for food, NOT Yiddish for snack- Polish Jew migrants borrowed the term during their short stay before travelling on to America.
Read a damn book you illiterate, ignorant Americans.
"Blimey guv, I need a dose o' nosh" (Blind me, governor (boss) I need some food (sic: for I am hungry).

by John Bulloock December 9, 2006
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Getting a gum job off a lady with false teeth.
by noshin'ell July 14, 2011
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–verb (used without object)
to snack or eat between meals.

–verb (used with object)
to snack on

a snack.
Girl one: That dude makes me sappy.

Girl two: You should nosh on him. Just sayin.
by natbrutat November 21, 2010
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Alvin: "Dude, that was fucking funny!"
Jeramiah: "NOSH!"
by Alvin Lee October 21, 2004
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