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by graybdolan January 15, 2017
by _|3\/\/ h4x0r September 22, 2004
by Stealth July 17, 2003
n. snack food
v. to snack on, often for extended periods of time rather than eating a meal at parties, in front of the TV or while sitting around passing a pipe and listening to hendrix
v. to snack on, often for extended periods of time rather than eating a meal at parties, in front of the TV or while sitting around passing a pipe and listening to hendrix
by akary October 20, 2004
He was hungry and desperate to mosh.
I sat down to a big plate of nosh.
We went to the corner cafe for a good nosh-up.
I sat down to a big plate of nosh.
We went to the corner cafe for a good nosh-up.
by Humfry Bogus November 11, 2006