Making something more accessible to noobs IE making something easier.
Shit this game is hard. Needs more noobrication.
by Marcus October 3, 2004
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A rare (and valuabe) substance that noobs sweat when doing something particulary amatuer. Often refers to gamers but can be applied to numerous situations of extreme amatuerism.
1) "Hey Brad, did you see that guy try and play that pool shot around his back!"

"Yeah I know right, he was drenched in noobricant!"

2) During Halo...

"Hey n00b_pwner127, did you see that guy get hit by that warthog? He was leaking noobricant!"

"Shut up dickhead!! I'm trying to play the game!!!" n00bpwner
by water is the poor man's coke October 18, 2009
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v. To apply lubricant, for the purpose of self-gratification or sex using a product unintended for the genitals, often causing the owner harm. E.g, Ben Gay, toothpaste, vapor rub, ethanol containing sanitizers, muriatic acid.
Guy 1: "Dude, I was going to wank it yesterday and hit bottom of my Vasaline!"
Guy 2: *looks up from homework* "What?"
Guy 1: "Yeah man, so I went and got this Purell Hand Sanitizer crap and went full force..."
Guy 2: "What in God's name are you talking about?"
Guy 1: "2 seconds in I was like 'OMGWTFBBQ MY NUTZ ARE ON FIRE!!'"
Guy 2: "Sweet Jesus."
Guy 1: Yeah, I started crying...
Guy 3: *enters* Once I jacked off with Chapstick.
Guy 2: ...
by Andreas113 May 31, 2005
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The slippery and slimy liquid recommended for all noobs to slip into the gaming vagina
Guy 1: Man, I got my ass raped in that last game of CoD. I'm gonna walk funny for a week.
Guy 2: Should've used more noobricant.
Guy 1: Where can I get some?
Guy 2: Your local GameStop should carry the product
by Faggot McGee June 9, 2012
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