
1. a person who makes a living by working in a mine, digging up coal or whatever else lies beneath...usually several miles underground.
2. a type of school mascot
1. John worked as a miner in the mine...until it collapsed on him.
2. The Gillespie High School Miners are the best in the land!
by badassica March 19, 2006
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A gold digger. A woman who tries to get with men simply for their money.
Bitch cleared out my wallet and dipped while I was in the shower. Shoulda known she was a miner.

"I had this miner on the lock. She said, that muthafucka look finer than a fuck."- Slick Rick from "If we give you a chance."

by Charles W March 28, 2008
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The miner took the crystals to his buyer.
by streetwise111 June 12, 2010
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its alrite.. its koool
u gotta pick ya brother up at 6

"dats MINER dont watch"
by spitz December 9, 2004
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Balls. In relation to courage... "He doesn't have the balls to tell his boss to fuck off."
Millennial:. "You wouldn't do that!"

Me: "What? You don't think I've got the minerals?"
by Wandering J November 11, 2020
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Not rocks.
by NasaWeatherfrog November 28, 2013
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an uncontrollable urge to interrupt conversation afflicting only those who believe everyone in hearing range is a technical idiot.

BECAUSE whoever you are talking to can't POSSIBLY know as much as you do!
John's Minerism is always apparent during team meetings!
by Trillian31 February 17, 2010
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