to leave someone or somethng out
i like to exclude gangsta people from my life
by loser_kid March 11, 2005
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The act of purposely leaving out someone you and your friend group hates, even though this person may think otherwise. Typically, this person performed an action or said something to cause their exclusion.
Damn, it was so much better without Jackie, I’m so glad we chose to exclude him.
by JpMorgan122334 January 13, 2019
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What you say when ever you inadvertently insult someone within earshot.
Urbandictionary readers are wankers. Present company excluded of course.
by arkanciscan October 6, 2011
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When the Trump’s campaign team should stop playing the political game by defending their boss’s false claim of fraudulent electoral voting in states where he is trailing his opponent and start admitting that more than half of the electorate had voted to fire the Commander in Cheat or Pinocchio-in-Chief.
As more mail-in ballots in the key battleground states confirm the trend that Biden is outperforming Trump, it’s politically childish or selfish for Trump’s allies and his campaign team to give him the false hope that he’d still win the election via frivolous lawsuits, when they’d tell him off “to embrace math, exclude myth.”
by MathPlus November 7, 2020
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Sometimes abbreviated as IWVMLTBEFTN or IWLTBEFTN, this is something you might say when your friends want to drag you into petty drama.

Originates from a July 18, 2016 tweet from Taylor Swift after Kim Kardashian posted a recording of a phone call between Swift and rapper Kanye West regarding the contents of his song "Famous".
I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of, since 2009
by zaphod13 June 30, 2023
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To get permanently or temporarily banned from school
“Hey did you hear I’m excluded!”
“For pulling the fire alarm!”
by Jejenwnwbwn April 10, 2022
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Oh? Is that not fun? Is it... Is that not an ok thing for people to do?.... Arbitrarily excluding people from the public discourse .... Is that not a thing that should be allowed?
Hym "Oooh shit! Is that not allowed!? Should people not be allowed to say whatever they want to you without having any recourse!? Should you not be arbitrarily excluded from the public discourse? In regards to the former, it's (Twitter) almost like using some kind of Orwellian double speak to antagonize the people you hate and deny them the ability to confront you about it. It's almost exactly like that except in online form. 'BuT iF iT hApPeNs tO tHe RiGhT pEoPlE iT's FiNe! I dOn'T cArE aS lOnG aS iT iSn'T mE! i'M tHe WrOnG pEoPlE! rIgHt GuYs!? RiGhT!?' That's a throwback! That's going all the way back to my 'You get what you deserve' days. Remember that? When I said none of you give a shit unless it's happening to you? Remember when I said you all recede into your own little solipsistic domains? If it's not happening to you it's 'not your problem' but you actively do it to me and 'I did it to myself! My actions have consequences!' See how that works? Just know that I'm channeling the spirit of Krombopulos Michael when is say 'Here I go being right again!' Would you look at that? That is priceless. It's perfectly analogous to my current situation. It's a 1 to 1, that, innit? Because you're reveling in the fact that my will is being subverted and now your will is being subverted and you don't like it very much, huh?"
by Hym Iam September 6, 2022
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