holy cow

JESUS GLIZZY is a holy cow
by jesus glizzy 123 February 18, 2022
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holy cow

a term which is often exclaimed by a party in disbelief. Usually the person who uses such a phrase will originate from the midwest and may or may not be named dave.
"someone's at the door, should I hide? she's pissed, is it your wife?"

"holy cow! let me hide with you!"
by MintyLeila June 25, 2005
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holy cow

holy cow!
by UnixBlackhole June 17, 2004
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holy cow

A cow which deserves our reverence and respect. All hail the holy cow!!!
We now bow to the holy cow!
by UnoWho November 19, 2004
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holy cow

The common name of the Great and Powerful Bovine Lord in the Sky, Who Will Pass Judgement Upon the Earth. Or so says my cult.
Oh great and mighty holy cow, please accept this sacrifice of a human heart
by RabidWombat June 2, 2004
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holy cow

A reference to a cow's religious status in India.
by sukebe September 19, 2004
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holy cow

A cow blessed by a high priest
I bless this cow...(as a priest dips him in holy water)
by Jim Beam May 31, 2004
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