A brief way of describing the act of forgetting something short-term. As in having short-term Alzheimer's Disease.
Guy 1: Dude, I just sat down at my computer getting ready to Google something then all of a sudden I Heimered.

Guy2: Man, I hate when I do that.
by WarRhino June 8, 2011
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A person exhibiting severe ignorance and inability to comprehend simple ideas. Derived from the 90's insult "dingleheimer".
"This heimer just came into my computer shop and asked for a cable for his 'immodium'."

"My friend just asked if there was a trick to flushing my toilet. What a heimer."
by andrewc513 May 20, 2010
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1. Noun: A girl who plays a guy while she has no real interest in him. Heimer's will often hit on multiple men at once and often hide the fact they have a boyfriend.
2.Verb: To play a guy, or to steal something
1. That chick was hitting on me all night and the whole time she had a bf, she is a total heimer.

2. I was hitting my juul last night and somebody snagged it from my pocket, i was totally heimed
by benlinus February 18, 2019
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To use metaphors non-stop such as using 7 or more metaphors in a 1 hour lecture.
Man, he musta used at least 20 metaphors on that lecture of the big bang theory. He must be suffering from the heimer syndrome
by Thebigbangtheroy August 31, 2009
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A syndrome that plagues teachers across the globe, causing them to constantly use obscure metaphors to explain fairly basic concepts.
Guy 1: "English class was hell today. I swear, if Mrs.Purcell uses one more metaphor to talk about paragraph structure, I'm gonna punch her in the face."

Guy 2: "Could she have Heimer Syndrome?"

Guy 1: "Possibly, but I'll still punch her in the face."
by TheGrandUrsa August 31, 2009
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A Palm Desert region slang word that refers to a homie.
"what up deegen heimer, we rollin this blunt or what"
by DMobb April 23, 2010
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A loss of brain function that occurs with certain conditions, such as someone out of the loop; working part-time and not having the updated information; forgetting an important fact; being in the age range from 25 - 100 and part way to having the condition of alzheimers. A take off of the word "alzheimers".
A person corrected for giving out incorrect information would, "Sorry, it must be my part-heimers."
by Drofla April 17, 2013
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