The state of an individual after drinking an excess amount of alcohol
I was so gone after that party lasting
by I’m not lying November 23, 2020
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When your whole fucking paragraph u wrote disappears after your phone dies on urban dictionary.
"Yes, finally done!" ... "Oh shit my phone died I hope urban dictionary saved my paragraph" ... "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck it's GONE"
by cozylama6996 May 19, 2020
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To be gone is to be completely high and/or intoxicated to a point of no return. You may experience a loss of short-term memory, a distorted vision of reality, complete confusion of whereabouts, and a possible chance of either being picked up by the nearest authorities or waking up next to a member of the opposite sex that you would normally puke on-sight.
On Halloween of 2008, I drank two 24-ounce Budweisers, a 24-ounce Bud Lite, popped 3 calotapins, and 2 xanex. My friend smoked a bowl of canadian dro and probably drank some type of alcholic beverage. We, unfortunately, were gone...
by the real m-dot November 1, 2008
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ayo i juss blazed a biggggggg headdddd manz is gone high off da lalala
by - September 17, 2003
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A word used to describe something being absent.
Tim's bed...gone.
by Tim Mac February 2, 2011
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