80 definitions by -

Australian collouquialism for skin between your balls and your asshole. (see: taint). Note also: world-wide grammar and anatomy scholars are still debating whether women have a 'gug'.
"Hey baby, maybe tonight we should go see Bridget Jones Diary again and then you can lick my gug"
by - May 14, 2003
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A white boy, who thinks hes brown, he likes to fart, and he like to drop the soap.
yo man stop being an adil, geez
by - March 24, 2005
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A car in the bay area. A bucket with dubs, knock, whistling pipes, tvs and dvd players, and all 4 doors open and hyphy cats in and out of the car like whaaa!
"Out the scraper window sayin, 'Whaaaa'"
- Doonie
by - October 19, 2004
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puchana es puchana
palabra inventada p0r mi i po0r l0oree ohh see ohh¡!¡
t0dos son un0s puchan0sss
by - January 21, 2004
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Phrase said by some crazy black bitch during highschool graduation.
*quitely waiting while sitting in the middle of a football field and waiting to officially graduate*

*the following ensues*

"Don't be tappin' no back of my chair!"
by - October 16, 2004
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They think they are the best thing since sliced bread and wear Kappa tracksuits and think they are HARD. They also wear old granda hats( stolen off old grandad ). they hate Goths or hippies entering their ' space ' and think its cool to drink until their off their head, while others just think their stupid and point and stare!
' have ya GOTH the time ?? '
by - September 15, 2003
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