The definitive thing to say when you don't want to hear somebody speak anymore. Usually accompanied by a clasping of the hands over the ears in a mature and composed fashion to signify that you are done with the conversation. Short intakes of air inbetween scores of "lalala" should be expected and has been scientifically proven to increase dramatic effect and frustrate the antagonizing speaker to habitual silence.
Person 1 "Rent was due a week ago, you spent the money on Motley Crue reunion tickets, and why is there glitter everywhere? Tou seriously need to grow up. And another thing-"

Person 2 "Lalala"

Person 1 "What are you doing? I mean it, you can't use your money on drinking and leopard tights, it's-"

Person 2 "Lalala"

Person 1 "..."

Person 2 "..."
by AllieAllieAllie June 10, 2009
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phrase used where the is s gap in conversation and noone knows how to start it up again
Timbo says: I like men
Jizzles says: lalala...
by Jizzles March 16, 2003
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A filler to represent the state of being happy, confused, or just about any emotion you can imagine.
lalala off to brunch.
I was coming up from the library and i saw some girl wearing red sweatpants and i was like *gasp* and then she looked at me then i was like lalala.
by shhep April 15, 2003
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something that u say when u dont know the words to a song or you are really bored online.
by bobby October 11, 2003
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the act of having nothing to say and neither does the person your talking to
also used to break long pauses at an attempt to be funny
by wings09 July 18, 2007
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Lets lalala, Wanna lalala?
by D0c February 21, 2006
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