A slogan commonly used by neopagan Americans
I pray that gods bless America
by tory borty April 2, 2013
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Something that dumb people say purely out of blind, naïve patriotism. Also something that dumb presidents might say as a cheap one-liner to get a standing ovation.
"Let's go to war and kill lots of innocent people... God bless America!"
by Jasco August 3, 2003
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Pet word said mainly by politicians and other power-thirsty species indigenous of the United States of America, often for pure demagogy, and based on the terribly false belief that "America" is synonymous with the USA, and not with the whole American continent. Less war and more geoography, for Fox's sake!
We are going to invade Venezuela because those bloody comunists have our oil, God bless America!
by Who cares February 15, 2005
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Something frequently said by soccer moms, very religious people, and wannabe patriots.
God bless America!
by Anonymous July 17, 2003
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Something witty to retort with after George W. Bush says something stupid, i.e. every day.
Bush: "Gay people suck because none will sleep with me."
God Bless America!!!
by Jesus Christ April 30, 2004
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A sub-genre of films released in the aftermath of September 11th 2001, featuring heroic American troops overcoming "terrorists" and various "evil-doers" in the fight for "freedom". See Black Hawk Down. This has also passed over into computer games with the release of America's 10 most Wanted.
God Bless America films are being used to brainwash the American public.
by Snake March 7, 2005
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My recommendation is not to use such a
dumb statement for God's sake.
by Indian October 4, 2003
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