Def 1. From the 1999 film The Matrix: Referring to a human experiencing déjà vu as caused by the Machines altering the Matrix.
Def 2. An explanation for an unlikely or irregular occurrence.
Def 2. An explanation for an unlikely or irregular occurrence.
Ex 1. Neo identified a glitch in the matrix when he saw the same black cat walk past the door twice.
Ex 2. There must be a glitch in the matrix because I was struck by lightening and won the lotto all in the same day.
Ex 2. There must be a glitch in the matrix because I was struck by lightening and won the lotto all in the same day.
by dictionaryname February 24, 2009
A phenomenon that potheads use to explain things that happen when they have no idea (usually because they are stoned).
by suburbanite November 29, 2003
an account for a missing period of time or a lapse in the space-time continium.
usually used by stoners and those without the brain capacity to remember what they had for breakfast.
usually used by stoners and those without the brain capacity to remember what they had for breakfast.
G1:"you guys seen my dog?"
G2:"no, didnt you leave him at K-mart?"
G1:"when??.........oh shit!"
C1:"uhg ug!"
C2:"ug uhh guh?"
G2:"no, didnt you leave him at K-mart?"
G1:"when??.........oh shit!"
C1:"uhg ug!"
C2:"ug uhh guh?"
by hex_ten December 1, 2003
Essentially, a term referring to a retard. derived from the movie "The Matrix." also referring to degenerates.
by zach greg May 8, 2006
After taking a dump, Jake was surprised when he wiped and found no sign of fecal matter on the toilet paper. Intrigued, he stood up and was astonished to find no sign of the shit that he had just birthed. Questioning himself “Did I even take a shit?”. This is known as a “Glitch in the Matrix”
by Duss Duss January 26, 2022
When, in short period of time, you see pairs of cars, passing by, matching in color and brand, identical. Not just one pair, few. And not even the common brands, but those that you never happen to see two of the same brand in the same place.
Surely the matrix glitched somewhere there. No other explanation. Nah-ah.
Surely the matrix glitched somewhere there. No other explanation. Nah-ah.
by Elizabeth_Bathory January 11, 2010
by Jonesys November 10, 2004