In short Frontine is a boss does anything they want and gets anything they want. She is God's favorite child even though she looks mean she is thoughtful and generous
I'm a frontine always and forever

By your lover Teddy
by Teddyyourbear January 19, 2023
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Urban slang. To put up a facade or make appearances, typically to impress or in some way deceive to maintain image. From 'to front'.
He be frontin' - that Benz be a rental!
by T.D. January 20, 2003
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to put on a false disguise usually to impress others
Why you frontin man? we all know you live with yo mamma!
by irish kiwi from samoa October 7, 2003
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Verb. To put up a false facade. See frontin
Yo, check out backstreet over there frontin in his hyundizzay.
by 50 cent crack dealer July 15, 2003
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to pretend or act like somethin or someone your not.
Quit Frontin man you know yo ass aint got a job!
by Juicy August 5, 2004
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He ain't got the balls to go through with it; he's just frontin.
by The J-Spot January 11, 2005
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Faking. Disguising something by appearing or acting in an opposite fashion.
Don't be frontin' like you don't know what the hell is goin on!
by tbonemp3 April 12, 2003
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