18 definitions by T.D.

n., a knife with a blade that can be deployed by depressing a button, switch, or hidden mechanism. Switch-blade knives
vary in design; some deploy the blade in a linear fashion from the handle ("out the front") while others swing a blade
out in an arc from the side of the knife handle ("side opener").

Switch-blade or "automatic" knives vary
in legality from region to region. Gang
use of such knives in the American 1950s
prompted bans on such knives in several states that remain in force today.

Switch-blade knives are illegal in some
nations, such as Canada.

The term "automatic knife" has replaced
"switch-blade" in some knife collector
circles when describing modern designs.

Also "switch-blade".
He drew a switchblade knife from his pocket, and it snapped open with a report.
by T.D. January 20, 2003
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n., A knife with a blade that can be deployed by depressing a button, switch, or hidden mechanism. Switch-blade knives
vary in design; some deploy the blade in a linear fashion from the handle ("out the front") while others swing a blade
out in an arc from the side of the knife handle ("side opener").

Switch-blade or "automatic" knives vary
in legality from region to region. Gang
use of such knives in the American 1950s
prompted bans on such knives in several states that remain in force today.

Switch-blade knives are illegal in some
nations, such as Canada.

The term "automatic knife" has replaced
"switch-blade" in some knife collector
circles when describing modern designs.

Also "switchblade".
He drew a switch-blade knife from his pocket, and it snapped open with a report.
by T.D. January 20, 2003
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Nickname for U.S. President Bill Clinton
earned for his ability to equivocate with words, make deals, and commit acts
which led to controversy, eventual impeachment proceedings against him.
That slick willy sure could talk his way
out of a mess.
by T.D. January 20, 2003
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Urban slang. To put up a facade or make appearances, typically to impress or in some way deceive to maintain image. From 'to front'.
He be frontin' - that Benz be a rental!
by T.D. January 20, 2003
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Rolling in a fine ride with the general
intent to enjoy ostenstation, prestige.
Once my Brabus dubs show up, I'll be
flossin' with the S class like it ain't
no thang.
by T.D. January 20, 2003
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A shooting from a moving vehicle that
simplifies get-away. Also "drive-by".
by T.D. January 20, 2003
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Any forty ounce bottle of alcohol. May be used to casually refer to any .40 calibre firearm.
Sawed off shotgun / hand on the pump / left hand on a forty / puffin' on a blunt
by T.D. January 20, 2003
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