46 definitions by 50 cent crack dealer

Ebonics for "best".
Y'all bes get yo ass out there and hustle some rocks and gets me some franklins.
by 50 cent crack dealer July 29, 2003
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A round, tapered piece of cork or wood used to cap wine barrels. Inserted into the bunghole in which the barrel is filled. In recent years, the word now refers to any object inserted into the anus, i.e. buttplug.
My bung had splinters and I tore up my asshole.
by 50 cent crack dealer July 14, 2003
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The act of speed-dating with either D-list gangsta rappers or scrub running backs from the NFL.

Romantic interests must be adorned by tall tee and buck studs. The more you score, the more facetime you'll get on the flickering yid.
Kardashiantics have been helping uppity bucks get off since 1995. Just ask O.J.

You can't keep up with Kardashiantics. You can only hope to contain them (with a little help from the CDC).
by 50 cent crack dealer May 16, 2008
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A tiny amount of excrement sometimes clinging to the anus in a round ball or dingleberry.
Y'all bess wash yo dingley ass. You got shit caked all up in yo dingletuft.
by 50 cent crack dealer October 14, 2003
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It is. Opposite of taint.
I was scratching my taint and I found my tis.
by 50 cent crack dealer July 31, 2003
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Text Messaging. Popular cell phone feature among suburban affluent pill poppers who can't walk and talk at the same time so they have to send encrypted messages that only AOL users can decipher. Words are abbriviated whenever possible and capitalization and punctuation are never used as it was never taught in remedial english.
im 2 la-z 2 spel wrdz kerekly n i have a ltd nolg of da en lang so i txt msg
by 50 cent crack dealer July 14, 2003
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Anything that was overhyped from the previous year that you would wish would just go away already.
Look at that guarini listening to ja rule. he is so 2K2.
by 50 cent crack dealer June 24, 2003
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