A technical term used by the toilet paper industry to describe a person who neatly folds the toilet paper over itself before cleansing themselves. Opposite of a crumpler.
by thecrumpler July 3, 2006
Generally ( by gangsters and old rap artists ) refers to a criminal record. They use this to make people shut up.
Person : Hello, do you li---
Gangster : yo what you doin' gettin' all up in my shit, bitch I ain't got time fo' dis' shit, I gotta go get the needle fo' what I done. so get outta here and put it on my folder fool.
Gangster : yo what you doin' gettin' all up in my shit, bitch I ain't got time fo' dis' shit, I gotta go get the needle fo' what I done. so get outta here and put it on my folder fool.
by castle21 February 24, 2014
by dipso January 8, 2004
Someone who folds, using spare computer capacity.
A contibutor to Stanford University's Folding at Home project.
A contibutor to Stanford University's Folding at Home project.
As you have such a powerful computer, and don't use it a lot, why not become a folder?
He's some folder: seven PCs folding and he wants to build three more!
He's some folder: seven PCs folding and he wants to build three more!
by logicman_alf September 26, 2006
defecation -a 'def' that tries to exit the toilet bowl sideways, causing double thickness and extending the joy of its' visit for a second flush.
cut me a flop and tried to flush, but it was a fucking folder! i had to baby-sit it for another go-round!
by michael foolsley December 27, 2010
by dell January 23, 2005
by diggy99 November 30, 2015