The hangover remedy involving the acts of drinking large amounts of liquid, and vomiting it all out in a routinely matter. Involves multiple repetitions to achieve a successful cleanse.
"Man, I drank way too much last night. I better start cleansing now to get rid of this hangover."
"Dude, that's like your fourth trip to the bathroom this morning? What the hell are you doing in there?"
"Don't worry, bro. I'm just cleansing."
"Dude, that's like your fourth trip to the bathroom this morning? What the hell are you doing in there?"
"Don't worry, bro. I'm just cleansing."
by PaulyG24 December 27, 2011
by Scabbeth June 5, 2017
by Eshay brah March 23, 2019
by hunnydew May 7, 2020
Expensive bottles that harbor an inexpensive carrot/broccoli liquid that more or less help with a BM (bowel movement)/or more commonly known as a shit
"I really wanted to drop 8 pounds before a party this weekend so I thought what better way to shit out your weight than with a juice cleanse."
by The Original Shitter December 16, 2013
To erase unwanted or unneeded people on your facebook friends list. Usually a result of having 300+ friends but only talking to a fraction of them. Basically a friends cleanse but exclusive to Facebook.
by Roger_5000 December 29, 2011
by ken69 June 23, 2009