
Short for “Fish and Chips”, a popular ship between the characters Gillion Tidestrider and Chip from the powerful D&D campaign Just Roll With It (JRWI). The pair is played by Slimecicle and BizlyChannel.
I hope fnc becomes canon.”
“Same! They’re dynamic is the best!”
by Jay Ferin February 7, 2023
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Fuck n Chuck

a person you go out with to fuck and then dump em.
kane was just an fnc so i dumped him last night.
by bRiTtNeYxx July 9, 2005
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Finger Nail Clippers, often said in a sentence as "F N Cs"
"Can a nigga get me some FNCs?"
by Huge RainCloud February 22, 2007
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the worst company in kpop history
friend 1: did you see FNC's new gg yet?
friend 2: no because fuck FNC for ruining their idols success
by RJNLUVR November 9, 2020
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Fear No Conservatives.

Fox News Channel has never met a Republican they didn't like.
by KRHimself April 4, 2004
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FNC or Fap. Nap. Crap.

For when you are feeling pretty sick or bad, and all you need is one of these.

any combo of the two seems to work
Brian: duuuude, you look really sick man,
Steven: Yea man, feeling really crook aye
Brian: Have a FNC dude, makes ya feel really good.
by MrAxespoe January 1, 2010
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abbreviation for Fuck Neo-Cons. Summary of public attitudes toward people like Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and the editors of conservapedia.
by Bermy88 April 30, 2009
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