A street drug taken in pill form. Often causing deep hallucination. Became popular during summer 2014.
Gosh, that flubber sure was swell.
by ogmudbone420 May 1, 2015
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The act of sticking ones fingers up your own or anothers asshole and pulling out a piece of shit.
Damn you fuckhead! I'm gonna flubber you hardcore style ass shit!
by Blake March 19, 2005
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'Theres no way those are real, those shits are flubber'
by Ann Putney January 13, 2004
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when morbidly obese people "fuck" or have extremely hardcore sex (eww). the term comes from the idea of the fat (or flubber) is bounced or jiggled vigorously. its disgusting, but its real.
If two sumo-wrestlers hooked up it would be considered flubbering
by cmsg January 9, 2011
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acting foolish at 4am on new years
dam man, he is flubbering too much!
by jelly mere January 2, 2010
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v. To Flubber:
1) to flop around and wallow like a pinniped.
2) the common actions of any of a number of mammals belonging to the order Pinnepedia whilst lounging around on an iceberg or land mass --or a cream colored leather sofa.
3) The act of lying on one's stomach on a couch with head turned sideways, as though looking over one's shoulder --to watch a TV that would be directly in front of a normally seated viewer on said couch-- while simultaneously shifting around and exhaling, sighing and grunting as though the mere weight of one's body was simply too much burden to bear on the gigantic pot belly and blubbery thorax.
Watching Eric flubbering around on that couch like a drunken seal is driving me insane.

"He sure does like to flubber, that whacky seal"

It takes an extremely sedentary person to flubber like that piece of shit does every day. If I were that slothlike I think I would bury my face in the couch cushions and suffocate my useless ass.

If he only had whiskers and tusks, that flubbering seal would be a walrus.
by Nemesis of The Flubbering Seal October 26, 2007
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