3 definitions by cmsg

used as a question on online chat website, it asks the loaded "Straight/Gay/Bi"?
person 1 "hi"
person 2 "heyy"
person 1 "asl?"
person 2 "14/ m/ texas. hbu"
person 1 "14/ f/ Cali"

person 1 "s/b/g?"
person 2 "g"
person 1 "hmmm... I see....."
by cmsg December 24, 2010
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when morbidly obese people "fuck" or have extremely hardcore sex (eww). the term comes from the idea of the fat (or flubber) is bounced or jiggled vigorously. its disgusting, but its real.
If two sumo-wrestlers hooked up it would be considered flubbering
by cmsg January 9, 2011
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Originally used to describe a style of hair where it was a little too long and a little untamed it now has been hijacked by adults to describe any haircut which they do not like or feel does not looks good. Often this style, although considered unattractive and sloppy, by the majority of people, is found to be popular among young prepubescent girls and their overly dependent hormone fueled boy-toys.
Dad: "Nice justin bieber haircut son."
Son: " Yeah I know, I'm getting a hair cut today..."
by cmsg January 1, 2012
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