by muttley December 19, 1999
When there is 0% chance that something has occured or will happen. Also when one is so appalled by one's statement that they have no response but the phrase itself. Often said by high intellects and geniuses.
by Steven Muntner *see RAT-MAN March 3, 2005
Emphatically not.
Person 1: Hey, I'm gonna go freebase while getting an intimate piercing and then get a glass bottomed boat from a pachyderm. You coming?
Person 2: No way!
Person 2: No way!
by The Grammar Nazi March 20, 2004
a term made up by a person looking for attention and starting to turn into a nation-wide trend can be used for the sake of sarcasom and can be used as a comment to any statement and if you ask a question and they reply then you may also say the phrase but you will be looked upon as an asshole.
by COCKFACE CRONIN July 1, 2010
by alan hill December 15, 2006
Wai-wai!! I won the lottery, waaaaai!
by T May 18, 2006
by rottieboo February 5, 2010