What I want is for you to stand there in that faggoty white uniform and extend me some fucking courtesy! - Colonel Nathan R. Jessup in A Few Good Men.
by kam75xx November 23, 2020
describes a person with fag-like qualities. for those who commit douchebaggery. a sassy, flamboyent man. {also known as dino in his olivers apron.}
by meg burke November 8, 2006
by Matt K... February 6, 2007
by redboy June 15, 2006
I feel so faggoty today! I think I'll go sucks some dicks and shove my cock in some guy's ass for fun.
by I Love Cock-fest April 4, 2003
by Bitchboymorgan February 28, 2020
by Cronikz February 2, 2011