The way people who function below normal mental capacity describe a situation in which they describe receiving something. The misinterpreted form of accepting, AKA, the dumbass version.
by TheXtraChromKid November 20, 2015
Used in conversation to express your disbelief in the ridiculous statement or blatant lie someone just told.
Guy 1- I banged 12 dimes last night.
Guy 2- Except not!
guy 1- yeah so im going to go spend 3 hours in the gym, fin tol ook good for the ladies.
guy 2- except not!
Guy 2- Except not!
guy 1- yeah so im going to go spend 3 hours in the gym, fin tol ook good for the ladies.
guy 2- except not!
by Beben M. November 2, 2009
The statement "All cows are brown" is exceptable because I can say "All cows are brown EXCEPT that albino one over there"
by Micheal Who? September 26, 2010
by notanotherforumpost March 18, 2019
to be uncommon, unique, extraodinary. most likely to bring home to parents. can be a complete hoe but is welcomed because she is one-of-a-kind.
"oh, look at maria. she sucks at life but she`s exceptional. she has her unique qualities and man do i love her."
by Cade V. June 26, 2006
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An error condition in software that is generated by a program's inability to complete a task. Common causes of exceptions include division by 0 and calling of nonexistent files.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException (Exception thrown by Java when the program calls for an array object with an index outside the array)
by an elite April 15, 2009